Search for tag: "extent"

Capisani, Simona, May 21, 2024, "Commentary: Governing Climate Mobilities at Various Scales"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays

Panel Q and A, May 20, 2024, "Power, Justice & Community Collaboration"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 1 plays

Schizotypy Correlates with Poor Event Segmentation: Insights for Schizophrenia Spectrum, Cara Suliman Khalifeh, UG '24 (C597FE4F)

Schizophrenia is a spectrum of mental disorders that impair individuals' ability to perceive and understand their environment. A critical aspect of understanding our environment is our ability…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 10 likes 69 plays

The Science of Science Communication: Are Explanations with Jargon Considered Better or Worse?, Francisco Cruz, GS (9288DB1D)

As we learn more about the world, it becomes impossible to master everything that is known. People have to specialize in one area and consult experts for information on other domains. But how can…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 67 plays

TRI Talk - Steffen Hertog

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays

Locked Out of Development: Insiders and Outsiders in Arab Capitalism

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 5 plays


From  PPPL Admins 0 likes 4 plays

OURSIP Intern - Yoko Urano

The Digital Aesthetics of Ethics Mentors: Dr. Andrés Monroy-Hernández, COS Dr. Elizabeth Watkins and Dr. Amy Winecoff, Princeton CITP

From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 245 plays

Presidents, Public Opinion, and Policy

Brandice Canes-Wrone '93, Professor of Politics and Public Affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School, explains the practice through which U.S. Presidents try to shape the political process by…

From  Alumni Education 0 likes 22 plays