Chemical and Biological Engineering
Jenny Wagner is Assistant Director for Internships at the Pace Center.
March 27th, 2023 Speaker
Jenny Wagner Department
Pace Center for Civic Engagement Location
Princeton University
Philip Loew (Activate National), Eva Koehler (Activate New York), Hannah Murnen (Activate Anywhere)
Matt Lynn is the assistant director for engaged pedagogy at the Pace Center.
Matt Lynn Department
Pace Center for Civic Engagement Location
Princeton University
Yi-Ching Ong is senior associate director and Service Focus program director at the Pace Center.
Yi-Ching Ong Department
Pace Center for Civic Engagement Location
Princeton University
June 8th, 2022 Speaker
Andrzej Zuranski
Carole Trévise and Nadia Cervantes Pérez will be presenting the projects they completed while serving as the chosen 2021 PCLS Summer Fellows. Carole’s project was called…
February 4th, 2022 Speaker
Carole Trévise, Nadia Cervantes Pérez Department
French & Italian, Spanish & Portuguese Location
Learn how the NSF I-Corps Hub Northeast Regional Program can help you evaluate your research discovery or technology for its potential to benefit society as the basis of a startup or venture. This…
January 25th, 2022 Speaker
Lori Dars and Mark DeGuzman of Rutgers University
Faiza Masood, University Administrative Fellow in the Research Services department and Ph.D. candidate in the Religion department for the wrap-up presentation of her fellowship. She will speak about…
January 11th, 2022 Speaker
Faiza Masood, James Van Wyck, Anu Vedantham Department
Princeton University Library
The pre-doctoral fellowship is a one year, fully
funded fellowship that includes an offer of regular admission to the
sponsoring doctoral program the following year. The fellowship is
October 7th, 2021 Speaker
Associate Dean Renita Miller Department
Access, Diversity and Inclusion, The Graduate School
ConTextos is a platform which uses a selection of mapped course readings as pedagogic frame for the independent student to navigate texts holistically in order to understand how genre, function and…
November 5th, 2020 Speaker
Iria González-Becerra, Ben Johnston, Gorka Bilbao Terreros Department
Spanish & Portuguese Location