Search for tag: "fiction"
Ted Chiang Presentation "Do you Really Want to Live Forever?"Ted Chiang's fiction has won four Hugo, four Nebula, and six Locus Awards, and has been reprinted in Best American Short Stories. His first collection Stories of Your Life and Others has been…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
45 plays
The Transformation of Light Novels, Anthony Ng, UG '23 and Kurt Lemai, UG '23 (2262522)Through our research, we explore the contents of light novels, a medium of short young-adult fiction novels in Japan, through a dataset of light novel titles of the past 50 years. Through analyzing…
From Research Princeton Research Day
34 plays
FPUL Annual Dinner: Elmer Adler Undergraduate Collecting Award Presentation May 1, 2022Emma Sarconi presents two Adler Undergraduate Collecting prizes to Evan DeTurk and Alexandra Orbuch
From PU Princeton University Library
14 plays
Benjamin Ball - 2021 Journalism Senior ColloquiumBenjamin Ball '21 presents his certificate project, "Reflections on 'A Cultural Remix'," during the Program in Journalism's third annual Senior Colloquium. Following my…
From Margo Bresnen
25 plays
"Weird Romance": Adaptation Error and the Science Fiction Musical, Violet Gautreau UG '22 (2312495)This paper analyzes how James Tiptree, Jr’s science fiction novella “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” (1974) was adapted for the musical theatre stage. Reviewers unanimously attacked…
From Research Princeton Research Day
165 plays
David Treuer '92, Author of 'The Heartbeat of Wounded Knee' (FPUL Small Talk)Bestselling author David Treuer '92 is an Ojibwe Indian from Leech Lake Reservation in northern Minnesota. He is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize, two Minnesota Book Awards, and fellowships…
From PU Princeton University Library
48 plays