Search for tag: "geophysics"

Solid Earth Brown Bag: Fracturing in wet granular media illuminated by photoporomechanics

Fracturing in wet granular media illuminated by…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 56 plays

Department Seminar: New views on the lower mantle from seismic tomography

New views on the lower mantle from seismic…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 40 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: The Early Evolution of Habitable Worlds

The Early Evolution of Habitable Worlds Jie Deng…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 60 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: Dynamic topography - Interactions between mantle convection, landscape evolution, sedimentary basins, and the pattern of oceanic circulation?

Dynamic topography: Interactions between mantle…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 76 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: Deep Earth Seismology: Revealing the Birth of Plumes and the Death of Plates

Deep Earth Seismology: Revealing the Birth of…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 34 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: Seismic noise is the signal: Learning the earth activity on the central San Andreas Fault

Seismic noise is the signal: Learning the earth…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 27 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: Good Geosciences in Dire Places: Searching for Water in Humanitarian Crises

Good Geosciences in Dire Places: Searching for…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 10 plays

Final Public Oral Examination: Recording Earthquakes in the Oceans for Global Seismic Tomography by Freely-Drifting Robots

Final Public Oral Examination Joel…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 29 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: Experimental Constraints on the Composition and Temperature of Earth's Lower Mantle

Suyu Fu University of Texas, Austin Tuesday,…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 46 plays

Geosciences Lecture Series: Fifty Years of Plate Tectonics

W. Jason Morgan talks about his personal…

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From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 119 plays

Science Beyond Guyot: 25 Years of Hess Fellows

Invited speakers, former Hess Postdoctoral…

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From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 84 plays

Wavefront distortion and healing in an underground ore mine

This video authored by Geosciences Associate…

From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 256 plays

GeoGrad Reunion 2012: GeoPhysics.Today

2012 GeoGrad ReunionThe Evolving Geosciences at…

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From  Geosciences The Department of Geosciences, Princeton University 0 likes 26 plays