This session was part of Engage 2020, the new Princeton University innovation and entrepreneurship conference. In 2021, thousands of state legislative districts and the entire House of…
November 5th, 2020 Speaker
Sam Wang (Princeton); Kyle Barnes (Representable.org); Preen Iyer (Representable.org); Kumar Garg (Schmidt Futures) Department
Princeton Innovation Location
David Daley explored how we can fight for change in his new book, "Unrigged: How Americans are Battling Back to Save Democracy." In this followup video to an earlier conversation, Professor…
June 18th, 2020 Speaker
Dave Daley, Professor Sam Wang Department
Princeton Gerrymandering Project Location
Princeton University
Jesse Wegman is a journalist, author, and New York Times Editorial Board Member. In his new book, Wegman asks a simple question: how can we tolerate the Electoral College when every vote does not…
June 4th, 2020 Speaker
Jesse Wegman, Professor Sam Wang, Professor Julian Zelizer Department
Princeton Gerrymandering Project Location
David Daley has spent years raising the alarm about partisan gerrymandering and its threat to democracy. Now he's exploring how we can fight for change in his new book, "Unrigged: How…
April 17th, 2020 Speaker
Dave Daley, Professor Sam Wang, Professor Julian Zelizer Department
Princeton Gerrymandering Project Location
Katie Fahey used social media to fight gerrymandering in Michigan. Now she runs a national non-profit dedicated to democratic reform. Katie talked to Professors Sam Wang and Julian Zelizer about how…
April 10th, 2020 Speaker
Katie Fahey, Professor Sam Wang, Professor Julian Zelizer Department
Princeton Gerrymandering Project Location
December 2nd, 2011 Speaker
Nolan McCarty, Professor of Politics and Public Affairs Department
Office of the President