Search for tag: "glass"
SAB Visiting Artist Conversation: Shahzia Sikander and James StewardThe Princeton University Art Museum Student Advisory Board welcomes MacArthur Prize–winning artist Shahzia Sikander in conversation with Art Museum Director James Steward. Engaging ideas of…
From puamlive Princeton University Art Museum Online
54 plays
Virtual Artist Conversation | Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian PhotographyJoin us for a virtual conversation with three contemporary Australian artists featured in Under a Southern Star: Identity and Environment in Australian Photography: Judith Nangala Crispin, Vee…
From puamlive Princeton University Art Museum Online
27 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Michel LiaoThrough Glasses: A Multi-Layer Transparent Segmentation Network Advised by: Jia Deng, Computer Science Erich Liang, Computer Science
From our Undergraduate Research
24 plays
OURSIP Intern - Minh Thanh NguyenTowards Increasing Pervaporation-driven Crystal Nucleation Rates in Multiphase Microfluidics Advised by:Howard A. Stone | Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Fernando Temprano-Coleto | Andlinger…
From our Undergraduate Research
19 plays
Mirrors in Science: The Best Discoveries Cannot Be Planned, André Koch Liston, UG '23 (2262642)When an unusual phenomenon crosses our work in the lab, the pressure of academic productivity asks us to ignore it if it doesn't relate directly to our research. I think this arrangement is…
From Research Princeton Research Day
37 plays
"'An Image To Lighten The Soul's Heaviness:' Reflections On Portraiture And Longing In Classical Antiquity"The concepts of ekphrasis and mimesis have prominently found their way into art historical methodologies that span subdisciplines of the field, generating interpretive models and sitting at the…
From Hellenic Hellenic Studies
7 plays
Launching Ultrathin Foil Floating Capabilities at the Princeton Space Physics Lab, Nina Arcot, G1 and Grace Gong, UG '22 (3956977)The SWAPI (Solar Wind and Pickup Ions) instrument on NASA’s IMAP (Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe) mission uses ultrathin (~10 nm) carbon foils for coincidence measurements. Other…
From Research Princeton Research Day
71 plays
Musical Experience/Experiment through Making a Harpsichord, Joyce Wei-Jo Chen, G4 (3954632)My dissertation, Musica Experientia/Experimentum, explores the intersection between acoustics, aesthetics, and artisanal knowledge (involved in musical instruments) in the seventeenth century. What…
From Research Princeton Research Day
140 plays
The Art of Glassmaking_SvenDupre_Nov18_2020The Art of Glassmaking and the Nature of Stones Sven Dupré, Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam This talk will focus on the article: The Art of Glassmaking and the Nature…
From Barbara Leavey
43 plays