Search for tag: "gps"
EEB 522 Seminar Series | Charles NunnEEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Charles Nunn “Network Epidemiology of Human Infectious Diseases in Rural Madagascar (and Beyond)”
From EEB Media
10 plays
Mobile Security TipsThis series of short videos answers frequently asked information security questions and shares insights from professionals in the field. Join us as we ask the important questions and have some fun…
From Stefanie Clerkin
125 plays
The Productive Scholar - Turning Freshman into Scientists: Hardware, Software, and Hands-on Technology in the FieldFor six years FRS (Freshman Seminar) 145/149/171/187 has taught students to define a hypothesis, collect data to test that hypothesis, analyze their data using quantitative techniques, and present…
From mrdaniel
83 plays