Search for tag: "hood"
Safest Speaker 2: John PickeringJohn Pickering, Co-Founder, Evidn; Non-Resident Fellow, Andlinger Center gives a talk at Greening Up The Lab: Spring Festival of Safety and Sustainability held April 17, 2024. Part of the Sa[Fest]…
From Jim Sturdivant
9 plays
How to Download and Upload the Grade CenterFull or partial data can be downloaded from the Grade Center. Once downloaded, Grades, or comments accessed through the Quick Comment feature or the Manually Override page, can be changed and added…
From Dennis Hood
64 plays
How to Create Smart Views to the Blackbaord Grade CenterA Smart View is a focused look at the Grade Center. It shows only the data that matches a set of criteria, such as a specific precept or lab group. Smart Views are useful to quickly find data when…
From Dennis Hood
7 plays
How to Copy Blackboard Content Between Course SitesCourse Copy can be used to copy selected Course materials into an existing Course without having to recreate the content. This option adds content to a Course, without deleting existing content.More…
From Dennis Hood
384 plays
Create an Announcement in BlackboardStudents can view important messages from instructors in the My Announcements module or through the Announcements tool. As a default module on the homepage, announcements are typically one of the…
From Dennis Hood
245 plays
Replace a File BlackboardIf you make revisions to a file, such as your syllabus, after you have uploaded it to Blackboard, this video shows you the easiest way to replace the old file in your course site.
From Dennis Hood
81 plays
How to Upload a Syllabus to BlackboardLearn how to quickly upload your syllabus or any files to Blackboard. More information:
From Dennis Hood
591 plays