Search for tag: "humanities"
9-19-24: Vukosi Marivate: A New Agenda for African Languages x AI: Everything, Everywhere, All At OnceVukosi Marivate is an Associate Professor at the University of Pretoria (South Africa), where he also holds the prestigious ABSA UP Chair of Data Science. His expertise lies in the fields of Machine…
From Carrie Ruddick
90 plays
Using Semantic Vectors to Uncover Nuance and Better Understand Ancient Roman Texts and Culture, Natalia Tam, UG '25 (4391AAA4)Latin is difficult for machines to translate due to the language being highly inflectional and overlapping word forms frequently creating ambiguity. Even with the help of dedicated human translators,…
From Research Princeton Research Day
109 plays
Princeton Mellon Initiative - " A Living Tradition in a Foreign Land: Integrating Japanese Gardens in the Postwar American Landscape"While prevailing academic discourse often interprets Japanese gardens primarily through an aesthetic lens, emphasizing their unchanging tradition and perceived cultural authenticity, this…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
8 plays
Sinews of the Soul: Comparing Christian Baptism and Indigenous AdoptionFor all of the real and important contrasts between them, the Indigenous peoples and French Catholic colonists who encountered one another in 17th-century New France were both convinced that…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
29 plays
Council of the Humanities "Severe Brain Injury, Neuroethics, and Disability Rights: Why the Sciences and Humanities must be in Conversation"Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of consciousness heighten the possibility of recovery but also raise value questions that require more than scientific expertise. To address the…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
62 plays
How to Save the Humanities: Re-Centering the Historical RecordFriends of Princeton University Library 2023 Fall Dinner After-dinner speaker: Michael F. Suarez, S.J., Director, Rare Book School
From PU Princeton University Library
39 plays
Between National Politics and International Intellectual Influences: Development of Nanjing University Chemistry & Physics Departments, 1902-1937, Julia Zhou, UG '24 (2269588)Close inspection of Nanjing’s University charter and administrative-level official documents reveals the deep, early influences of Japanese education models on the structure of the Physics and…
From Research Princeton Research Day
108 plays
Are Asian Americans People of Color? Reimagining Asian American Ethnic Identity and Forging Cross-Racial Solidarity with Black Americans, Zi Liu, UG '24 (2280004)Are Asian Americans people of color? At the outset of his most famous 1903 essay, W.E.B. Du Bois writes: “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line.” But in…
From Research Princeton Research Day
455 plays
Shouts & Murmurs: A Gendered Study of Sonic Suspensions in the 19th Century Novel, Clara McWeeny, UG '25 (2770242)When considering moments of auditory focus in the 19th century novel, rarely does one stop to consider the sonic attention paid to instances of direct speech. Readers instead find their preoccupation…
From Research Princeton Research Day
102 plays
SlaveVoyages: Graphing the Frequency of Voyages from Origin Ports of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Over Time, Moses Abrahamson, UG '25 (2770718)My project plots slave voyage data from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. Specifically, it compares the top five origin ports of the trade in terms of frequency of voyages embarking from these ports…
From Research Princeton Research Day
49 plays
Trenton's Stacy Park - From Urban Renewal to Community Reinvestment; Austin J. Edwards, Esq., GS (4088143)Once a beautiful green park space connecting Trenton residents to the Delaware River, former Stacy Park became a six-lane highway during the 1960’s period of “urban renewal” even…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
ADAMANDI: A Dark Academia Horror Musical, Mel Hornyak, UG '23 and Elliot Lee, UG '23 (2264585)Adamandi: A Latin verb that can mean 'of loving,' but also 'of coveting' and 'of obsessing.' Academia is defined by blurring the boundaries between these concepts, and…
From Research Princeton Research Day
91 plays
Remembering Ice: A Photographic Journey through Southern Patagonia’s Vanishing Glaciers, Will Hartman, UG '25, Jack Green, UG '24, Michael Salama, UG '24, Byron Zhang UG '23 (2768711)The Southern Patagonian Ice Field (SPIF) in Argentina and Chile is the second-largest extrapolar ice field in the world and a critical region for understanding the impacts of climate change on alpine…
From Research Princeton Research Day
756 plays