Search for tag: "intervention"
Rematch+ Intern - Manuel Garcia San MillanNudges Against Procrastination in Social Media Advised by:Linda Ouyang, Economics
From our Undergraduate Research
21 plays
Peroxisome Regulation During Influenza A infection, Laura Haubold, UG '24 (5CEF7A66)Influenza A virus (IAV) creates a significant burden of disease in the human population every year, including millions of cases of severe illness, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Like all…
From Research Princeton Research Day
96 plays
CITP Virtual Seminar Miranda Bogen-Closing the Gap: Navigating Complexities and Contradictions In the Mitigation of Algorithmic BiasDozens of policy proposals and interventions have attempted to address actual and potential cases of algorithmic bias, particularly in systems that have consequential effects on people’s lives.…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
1 plays
Constructing the Self -- Shin Yu Pai and Confessional Poetry, Grace Tan, UG '23 (3962767)I posit that Shin Yu Pai's poetry on Asian American stories and mementos are not merely commemoration/memorialization, but further engage with the challenge of constructing an identity of the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
40 plays
Policy Evaluation via Deep Synthetic Control, Bhishma Dedhia, G2 (3942036)The Synthetic Control method has pioneered a class of powerful data-driven techniques to estimate the counterfactual reality of a treated unit from several unexposed donor units. At its core, the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
8 plays
Policy Evaluation via Deep Synthetic Control, Bhishma Dedhia, G2 (3942036)The Synthetic Control method has pioneered a class of powerful data-driven techniques to estimate the counterfactual reality of a treated unit from several unexposed donor units. At its core, the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
27 plays