Search for tag: "members"
Everyday Bible Study in Late Medieval AshkenazThis video presents the portrayal of Bible study from a will written by Eliezer ben Shmuel HaLevi of Mainz in 1357. Bible study was integral to Jewish life and identity in medieval Ashkenaz, even…
From Laura Morreale
15 plays
Bradford Seminar Series: "Cash Transfers Reduce Climate-Induced Migration in Kenya"Valerie Mueller received her Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of Maryland. She is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Politics and Global Studies at…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
2 plays
Interviewing for the Health ProfessionsHPA Applicant Seminar for 2025 Matriculation Congrats on submitting your application for health professional school! Those interview invites will be rolling in soon and we want to help you prepare!…
From HPA Health Professions Advising
41 plays
Controlled in situ Assembly of Biocompatible Polymers, Sanjana Venkatesh, UG '26 (2D0A2083)What happens when we infuse cells and biological tissues with human-made materials? The possibilities are endless; we open up a new world for interacting with our cells, from measuring minuscule…
From Research Princeton Research Day
48 plays
In the Synagogue and Online, American Congregations Respond to COVID-19, Julie Hannah Levey, UG '24 (D94B6FBD)Since the founding of the first Jewish congregation in North America in 1654, American synagogues have evolved substantially, often in parallel with changes occurring across the country. When the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
52 plays
Princeton in a Pin[ch]: How Worn Labels Promote Inclusion and Exemplify Exclusion at Elite Institutions, Alyssa Lloyd, UG '26 (B9A1DFFF)Inspired by her run-in with a peculiar button while working reunions this past summer, Alyssa Lloyd, a member of the Class of 2026, explores illusive memorabilia worn by Princetonians over the years…
From Research Princeton Research Day
139 plays
ReMatch+ Intern- James MoralesUnderstanding US Support for the Russian Invasion of Ukraine Advised by: Prof. Mark R. Beissinger, Politics Jacob Tucker, Politics
From our Undergraduate Research
22 plays
Using mathematical models to inform Princeton’s COVID-19 testing guidelines, Sang Woo Park, GS (2278385)The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on our campus over the last few years. To mitigate the number of infections, many COVID-19 policies were introduced on campus, including vaccination…
From Research Princeton Research Day
93 plays