Search for tag: "men"
The Just Data Lab Presents: The Phoenix of Gaza - December 5, 2024“Phoenix of Gaza: From Freedom Dreams to Falasteen Futures” Symposium + Exhibit held at Princeton University on Dec 5 - 6, 2024. Visit for more information and to…
From aas21 African American Studies
87 plays
Everyday Bible Study in Late Medieval AshkenazThis video presents the portrayal of Bible study from a will written by Eliezer ben Shmuel HaLevi of Mainz in 1357. Bible study was integral to Jewish life and identity in medieval Ashkenaz, even…
From Laura Morreale
17 plays
Friends of PUL Small Talk Renate Kosinski: “Christine de Pizan from Venice to Paris to Princeton: The Trajectory of a Medieval Writer and Entrepreneur”The Friends of PUL’s own Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski reveals the story of Venice-born French writer Christine de Pizan (c. 1364-c. 1430). Raised in an intellectual milieu – her father was…
From PU Princeton University Library
37 plays
Sharon and Bijan Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies: "Iran in 19th-Century French Literature"Iran held a unique place in the culture of nineteenth-century France, considered at once part of the Orient and yet elevated above all other Oriental nations. Admiration, identification, and even…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
1 plays
Lincoln, the 1860 Election, and the Future of Slavery in America with Lucas MorelOn February 26th, 2024, Princeton University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions hosted Lucas Morel, John K. Boardman, Jr. Professor of Politics at Washington and…
From James Madison Program James Madison Program
47 plays
FPUL Small Talk Jan 2024 Christie Henry "The Evolution of the Reader"The Friends of PUL host Christie Henry, Director of Princeton University Press, for an insightful discussion around “The Evolution of the Reader.” The book has been described as one of…
From PU Princeton University Library
45 plays
A Document of Sale from Medieval EgyptWe discussed item 27 in Islamic Manuscripts, Garrett Additional Box no. 20. This document of sale was written in 980 CE on behalf of the Coptic Christian Yuhānnis ibn Suqayna and his wife…
From Jeremy Stitts
61 plays
Toni Morrison Lectures with Farah Jasmine Griffin - 03/30/23ON THE FAR SIDE: GLOBALIZATION IN MORRISON'S WORLD Held over three days March 28 – March 30th, the Toni Morrison Lectures are held bi-annually and spotlight the new and exciting work of…
From aas21 African American Studies
28 plays
Toni Morrison Lectures with Farah Jasmine Griffin - 03/29/23HERE STANDS A MAN: MORRISON'S (FEMINIST?) MOLDING OF BLACK MASCULINITY Held over three days March 28 – March 30th, the Toni Morrison Lectures are held bi-annually and spotlight the new…
From aas21 African American Studies
17 plays
Toni Morrison Lectures with Farah Jasmine Griffin - 03/28/23DEAR TONI: MORRISON EDITS A GENERATION OF BLACK MEN Held over three days March 28 – March 30th, the Toni Morrison Lectures are held bi-annually and spotlight the new and exciting work of…
From aas21 African American Studies
28 plays
FPUL Small Talk 13 Months in Dixie May 17, 2023Jeaninne Surette Honstein and Steven Knowlton present to the Friends of Princeton University Library their adventure in discovering, transcribing, and annotating an incredible manuscript that details…
From PU Princeton University Library
24 plays