Search for tag: "neuron"

OURSIP Intern - Ruqaya Kareem

Gene Expression of SHANK Family in Mice and Non-Human Primates Advised by: Prof. Fenna Krienen, Princeton Neuroscience InstituteSiting He, Princeton Neuroscience Institute

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 29 plays

Mapping Human Preference in the Mosquito Brain, Timothy W. Schwanitz, GS (2924323)

The Yellow Fever Mosquito is a globally invasive mosquito that prefers to bite human beings because it prefers the odor of human beings to the odor of other animals. In parts of its native range in…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 131 plays

Extending Feature Visualizations to Text-To-Image Generative Models, Adam Kelch, UG '24 (2262505)

With the rapid development of large-scale and complex generative AI models, there is a there is a demand for new tools to explain the inner workings and behavior of such systems. While various visual…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 44 plays

OURSIP Intern - Lauren Okamoto

Imputing Single-Cell Expression Data based on Joint Statistical Modeling of Spatial and RNA Sequencing

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 47 plays


PNI Bootcamp 2020 Bio

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From  PNI PNI system administrator 0 likes 17 plays


PNI Bootcamp 2020 Bio

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From  PNI PNI system administrator 0 likes 14 plays

OURSIP intern - Sidney Gregorek

Summer Research Colloquium - Investigating Receptive Fields in a Novel Visual Stream

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 27 plays