Search for tag: "regulation"

Peroxisome Regulation During Influenza A infection, Laura Haubold, UG '24 (5CEF7A66)

Influenza A virus (IAV) creates a significant burden of disease in the human population every year, including millions of cases of severe illness, and hundreds of thousands of deaths. Like all…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 8 likes 84 plays

Photosynthesis A - Chair- Silvia Ramundo

The processes of CO2-concentrating mechanism and photoprotection are extensively co-regulated in Chlamydomonas - Yizhong Yuan, Emily G. Werth, Marius Arend, Georgios Kepesidis, M. Åguila…

From  MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar 0 likes 52 plays

CITP Special Event: Bringing Transparency to Digital Political Campaigns Symposium - PM Session

With every election cycle, political campaigns become more and more reliant on online platforms to target voters. Yet, regulatory measures for campaigns have not kept pace with the rapid…

From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 5 plays

DeCenter Inaugural Summit - Kickoff Event

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 57 plays

OURSIP Intern - Alison Araten

From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 49 plays

Modeling the Carbon Emissions of Financial Institutions, Emily Cruz, UG '22 (3951276)

Global carbon emissions must reach around net-zero by 2050 to mitigate the most significant repercussions of global climate change. This will require a coordinated effort between governments,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 423 plays

CITP Seminar: Ryan Calo - Modeling Through

Theorists of justice have long imagined a decision-maker capable of acting wisely in every circumstance. Policymakers seldom live up to this ideal. They face well-understood limits, including an…

From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 21 plays

An Investigation of the Female-Specific Behavioral Deficits Present in Autism, Kennedy Miller UG '21 (2312533)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by two core diagnostic criteria: socio-communicative deficits and repetitive behaviors. Despite ASD being…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 341 plays

Deep Learning Genomics Methods for the Study of Regulatory Signals in Breast Tissue, Briana Macedo UG '22 (2312983)

It is now possible to utilize large genomics datasets to understand how mutations in our genetic code lead to disease, and in turn, create fine-tuned therapies. We leverage predictions from a deep…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 105 plays

OURSIP intern-Luke Geiger

Summer Research Colloquium Research Summary - Understanding the Role of the SETD7 Monomethyltransferase Enzyme in the Epigenetic Regulation of Mou

From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 12 plays

Technology, Global Governance and the Nature of Power, Alumni Faculty Forum, Reunions 2020

From  Alumni Web 0 likes 3 plays

(2) Collective Behavior, Social Media, and Systemic Risk - Day 2

(2) Collective Behavior, Social Media, and Systemic Risk - Day 2(2) Collective Behavior, Social Media, and Systemic Risk - Day 2

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 20 plays

Mexico's 2018 Elections: Electoral Institutional Safeguards Panel

Lorenzo Cordova, Reyes Rodriguez, Moderator: Gabriela Nouzeilles

From  PL Latin American Studies 0 likes 6 plays

Shadow Banking - "Liquidity Regulation and Credit Booms: Theory and Evidence from China"

"Liquidity Regulation and Credit Booms: Theory and Evidence from China" Kinda Hachem, The University of Chicago Booth School of Business Discussant: Hui Chen, Massachusetts Institute of…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 119 plays

The New Regulatory State

Christopher DeMuth, Distinguished Fellow, Hudson Institute; former President, American Enterprise Institute

From  JMP Media 0 likes 5 plays

Now That We Know: Law, Technology, Journalism, and Policy After Snowden -- Protecting Privacy and Security (Panel 2 of 3)

Now That We Know: Law, Technology, Journalism, and Policy After Snowden -- Protecting Privacy and Security Panel 2 of 3 Princeton University May 2nd, 2015

From  Jennifer Bolton 0 likes 10 plays