The processes of CO2-concentrating mechanism and photoprotection are extensively co-regulated in Chlamydomonas - Yizhong Yuan, Emily G. Werth, Marius Arend, Georgios Kepesidis, M. Åguila Ruiz-Sola, Zoran Nikoloski, Leslie M. Hicks, Dimitris Petroutsos
Gene regulatory network inference predicts ten transcription factors involved in light protection, which are successfully validated in mutants - Donat Wulf, Fabian Janosch Krüger, Marion Eisenhut, Olaf Kruse, Olga Blifernez-Klassen, Andrea Bråutigam
The Chlamydomonas chloroplast dicarboxylate transporter LCI20 is involved in photorespiration and redox homeostasis - Ousmane Dao, Saleh Alseekh, Marie Huleux, Shiyan Zheng, Pascaline Auroy, Anja Krieger-Liszkay