Search for tag: "visual"

OURSIP Intern - Nicole Tacconi

Feedforward Uncertainty Visualizations Advised by:Professor Abtahi COS

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 15 plays

Generative Art, Luke Shannon, UG '23 (3965156)

I make generative art (in which the artist deliberately gives some amount of control to an autonomous system). Almost all of my work is a code-generated instance of an algorithm with an infinite,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 4 likes 113 plays

The Haunted Place, Ally Wonski, UG '22 (3963686)

“The Haunted Place” is a visual novel style video game concept which explores Edgar Allan Poe’s works in context to world events and experiences in the 2020’s. This work uses…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 58 plays

CREMS: Creatures of the Imagination: Visualizing Monsters in the Early Modern Sciences-Trim

A workshop featuring talks by:Surekha Davies: “Life on the Edge: Imaginative Prototyping and Sea Monsters in Early Modern Europe” For early modern European naturalists, the…

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From  Barbara Leavey 0 likes 54 plays

The Princeton Atelier

Atelier Director Stacy Wolf talks about this unique program in which professional artists create new works in collaboration with Princeton students.

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From  University Advancement 0 likes 87 plays