The Undergraduate Fellows Forum (UFF) of the James Madison Program provides a unique opportunity for Princeton undergraduates to pursue, outside of the classroom, academic interests related to politics, history, law, and political thought. Opportunities available exclusively to members of the Forum include private meetings with notable guests, such as cabinet secretaries and Supreme Court justices; regular, intimate dinners with each of the Madison Program’s scholars-in-residence for an in-depth discussion of a paper he or she has written.
Undergraduate Fellows are also informed of the frequent public lectures and conferences sponsored by the Madison Program, featuring very distinguished scholars and public figures. While we encourage Undergraduate Fellows to participate in the life of the Madison Program, attendance at our sponsored activities is never mandatory. The Forum’s intention is simply to foster a hospitable intellectual environment for undergraduate students to seek a better understanding of constitutional politics and the moral and philosophic dimensions of political life. The Undergraduate Fellows Forum welcomes applications from all students committed to a spirit of open inquiry and serious intellectual engagement.