Developing A Computer Adaptive Chinese Language Placement Test
This project seeks to enhance our existing Chinese language placement test through the development of an innovative computer adaptive language placement test. Computer adaptive testing (CAT) is an assessment methodology that leverages intricate algorithms to tailor the test experience to each individual test taker. With CAT, the examination dynamically adjusts to the test taker's skill level in real-time, delivering questions accordingly. This approach provides individuals with items that yield more precise insights into their proficiency levels, facilitating a clearer differentiation between test takers. Consequently, the test becomes more concise, accurate, secure, and equitable.
The pilot test involved sixty students, encompassing both freshmen and individuals who had previously taken Chinese courses at Princeton. The results demonstrate a high degree of alignment between the placement outcomes from this new CAT placement test and the students' current course enrollments, as well as the outcomes from the existing placement test. Positive feedback from students abounded, with many noting that the test duration was brief and that the items presented accurately reflected their proficiency level.