Search for tag: "agency"

Bronen, Robin, May 20, 2024, "Climate Justice Advocacy: Rights, Reimaginings and Relentless Resistance"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 2 plays

Capisani, Simona, May 21, 2024, "Commentary: Governing Climate Mobilities at Various Scales"

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 6 plays

Hypersexualizing Race: The Evolution, Perception, and Agency of Black Women in America, Mya Koffie, UG '27 (B78F387E)

My research focuses on how and why societal perception of Black women in America has evolved in response to the personal agency that Black women have exercised against existing social structures.…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 58 plays

QuaLLM: An LLM-based Framework to Extract Quantitative Insights from Online Forums, Varun Rao, GS (2A506948)

Online discussion forums provide crucial data to understand the concerns of a wide range of real-world communities. However, the typical qualitative and quantitative methods used to analyze those…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 30 plays

20240111_Events101_Travel program

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 2 plays

CITP Seminar: Dan Calacci – Why Data Rights Should be Labor Rights: Data Protection and AI Regulation for Gig Workers and Beyond

Workers everywhere are more surveilled, managed, and quantified by technology than ever before, harming people’s health, safety, and dignity at work. Gig workers like Uber and Lyft drivers…

From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 8 plays

Leonard Wantchekon awarded the Kiel Institute for the World Economy’s 2023 Global Economy Prize

Leonard Wantchekon, the James Madison Professor of Political Economy and Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University, has been awarded the Kiel Institute for the…

From  Catherine Zandonella 1 likes 57 plays

"You are My 'Treaty of Nanjing,' The Beginning of My Fall": A Cultural Analysis of Contemporary China's Obsession with "Little Fresh Meat" 小鲜肉, Anne Wen, UG '23 (2985594)

In the thesis, I argue that xiao xian rou 小鲜肉 pushes back against the state-sanctioned ideals to look masculine, and the role of effeminate men in modern Chinese television uplifts women. Given the…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 40 plays

Agency, Not Equity: A Path to Achieve Excellence for All Versus Universal Mediocrity with Ian Rowe

On February 16th, 2023, Princeton University’s James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions hosted Ian Rowe, Senior Fellow at AEI, in conversation with Ana Samuel '00,…

From  James Madison Program James Madison Program 0 likes 64 plays

Meet Emily Sharples

Emily Sharples is the Class of 1969 Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS) Program Director.

From  Pace Pace Center 0 likes 99 plays

A. Schachter Lecture Recording_2-28-22

Translating Yiddish Women: Fradl Shtok and the Modern Jewish Canon

From  Yolanda Sullivan 0 likes 2 plays

Matrices: What pregnancy and motherhood teach us about human agency, Mary Nickel, G6 (2272052)

It can be quite striking, on reflection, to consider the fact that nearly the first entire year of our lives are spent inside another human being. None of us is created ex nihilo: we are all forged…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 105 plays

Ethical Design For The Future Internet, Rolando Masís-Obando, G6 (3936699)

The future internet, or what people have recently been calling the “Metaverse” will be a more spatial, more 3D, and more immersive internet. The room for innovation in the metaverse will…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 84 plays

Money Matchmakers: Securing Government Funding for University Spinoffs and Advanced Technology Startups

This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. How do startup companies connect with venture capital sources, economic development…

From  Innovation Innovation Communication 0 likes 11 plays

Securing Elections in the Age of Disinformation

The Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination (LISD) hosted a public panel on strengthening trust in elections and countering disinformation, both foreign and domestic. The participants …

From  Princeton School of Public and International Affai 0 likes 38 plays

CUI Overview

Overview of CUI Compliance Requirements

From  Irene Kopaliani 0 likes 21 plays