Search for tag: "bodies"
Juggling Risks: Transforming Risks at Trenton Circus Squad, Cherry Wei Ge, UG '24 (746F90B3)In the social sciences, the literature on risk has largely been focused on the neoliberal bent with which we approach the concept. I want to complicate that picture by introducing the ethnographic…
From Research Princeton Research Day
137 plays
Cilia and basal bodies B - Chair- Hongmin QinAnalysis of SAXO proteins in Chlamydomonas - Susan K. Dutcher, Zachary Payne, Rui Zhang FLA4 encodes a conserved TPR protein that modulates anterograde IFT and promotes ciliary assembly - Damien…
From MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar
44 plays
Cilia and basal Bodies - Session A, Chaired by Junmin PanMethylation of ciliary dyneins- Miho Sakato-Antoku, Ramila S. Patel-King, Stephen M. King. The LC1 outer arm dynein light chain is required for normal motor assembly kinetics, ciliary stability and…
From MOL MolBio Zoom Webinar
90 plays
Matrices: What pregnancy and motherhood teach us about human agency, Mary Nickel, G6 (2272052)It can be quite striking, on reflection, to consider the fact that nearly the first entire year of our lives are spent inside another human being. None of us is created ex nihilo: we are all forged…
From Research Princeton Research Day
106 plays
PRD Mainstage 2021PRD Mainstage 2021Hosted by Dean for Research Pablo Debenedetti, Class of 1950 Professor in Engineering and Applied Science and professor of chemical and biological engineering. Dean of the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
125 plays
Characterizing Biological Phase Separation With Predictive Approaches, Dylan Kim, UG '21 (2309371)Biological phase separation is a thermodynamically driven behavior that dictates the formation of many critical membraneless bodies in the cell, including the nucleolus and stress granules. Because…
From Research Princeton Research Day
95 plays
Bradford Seminar: "Varieties of Climate Governance" - Navroz DubashHow do states respond to the challenge of climate governance? This question has important practical policy implications but also suggests unexplored conceptual terrain. From a practical point of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
11 plays
Session 5 | Pandemic, Creating a Usable Past: Epidemic History, COVID-19, and the Future of HealthSession 5 | Uncertain Knowledge in Epidemics: How Crises Spur New Therapies, Surveillance Practices, and Dubious Theories Saturday, May 9, 2020 | 11 am - 12:30 pm In the face of epidemic illness and…
From Department of History Department
283 plays