Search for tag: "council"

Designing Representative Collaborative Policy Making

From  kirtid Das 0 likes 1 plays

Council of the Humanities "Severe Brain Injury, Neuroethics, and Disability Rights: Why the Sciences and Humanities must be in Conversation"

Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of consciousness heighten the possibility of recovery but also raise value questions that require more than scientific expertise. To address the…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 62 plays

Designing Representative Collaborative Policy Making

INFEWS (Innovations at the Nexus of Food-Energy-Water Systems) researchers Graham Ambrose and Saba Siddiki (Syracuse University) share best practices for designing representative collaborative…

From  Emily Eckart 0 likes 10 plays

Welcome, Class of 2027!

From  Jessie Cunningham 0 likes 520 plays

Finding Momentum in Division One Baseball, Jason Ding, UG '25 (2770524)

There is thorough research proving the hot-hand notion, or the tendency to believe that a successful streak is likely to lead to further success, as a fallacy in sports. This research disproves the…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 94 plays

Pitch Tunneling in Baseball, Ben Zenker, UG '24 (2264109)

Pitch tunneling in baseball is when two pitches look the same for most of their trajectory towards home plate, but then move in opposite directions. Pitchers utilize pitch tunneling to try and fool…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 7 likes 84 plays

Can a Batter Predict an Upcoming Pitch Only Using the Pitch Before?, Atharva Pathak, UG '26 (3993450)

Using a round bat to hit a small round baseball traveling 90+ mph and breaking in unexpected directions is considered the hardest activity in sports. Knowing the speed, break, and location of a pitch…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 5 likes 74 plays

Creating a Division 1 Pitch Grader Using Machine Learning, Alexander Dreger, UG '25 (2763371)

In baseball, the goal of the pitcher is to prevent runs. To do so, they must make it difficult for the batter to hit the ball. There are a variety of techniques and methods the pitcher can use to…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 9 likes 73 plays

Reimagining Baseball Analytics using ChatGPT, Senne Michielssen, UG '25 (2771011)

Spray charts are a data visualization used in baseball to describe which area of the field hitters have historically hit the ball to. Hitters have unique hitting tendencies for various reasons (e.g.,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 8 likes 98 plays

Russia's War in Ukraine- A View from the UN

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 52 plays

Humanities Expedition and Lab (2022)

The Humanities Expedition and Lab: graduate students exploring the wide landscape of innovation in the humanities. The program exposes graduate students–before they even start…

From  PEC PEC Events 1 likes 27 plays

Rockefeller College - Welcome Class of 2026

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 778 plays

Indigenous Studies_Crisis and Critique_Robert Warrior

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 19 plays

Body Builders: Living Systems as Art Media (SEN)

This course explores the crossover collaborative of bioengineering and art, presenting the notion of bioengineering as an artistic practice. A creative portrayal has the potential to humanize this…

From  Princeton Council on Science and Technology 0 likes 879 plays

Pan-African Scientific Research Council: COVID-19 Conference Day 3

The PASRC COVID 19 Conference will take place on August 18 and August 19 2021. It will be followed by the General Assembly of PASRC members on August 20 2021.The conference will showcase…

From  Tim Waldron 0 likes 4 plays

Class of 2025 Rocky College Welcome

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 1,039 plays