Investigating Bacterial Composition and Spatial Separation in the Mouse Small Intestine Advised by: Dr. John Brooks II, Molecular Biology Ciara Sanders, Molecular Biology
August 1st, 2024 Speaker
Haya Elamir Department
Office of Undergraduate Research
From chess to Atari to AlphaGo, performance in games has been a benchmark of performance for machine learning. Terminal is a tower-defense game where players submit algorithms that play against each…
May 3rd, 2024 Speaker
Shivam Kak, UG '26, Ishaan Javali, UG '26, Yagiz Devre, UG '26 (5EE515B6) Department
Computer Science
This project sought to analyze how the Daily Princetonian has portrayed March Madness in its pages from 1952 to 2011. Coverage of the tournament shows distinct trends in word choice and frequencies…
May 3rd, 2023 Speaker
Rosie Eden, UG '25 and Isabel Yip, UG '25 (2768621) Department
Humanistic Studies and English
Since the conclusion of the Cold War, the notion of ‘Arctic Exceptionalism’ has characterized the region’s unique norms, dynamics, and cooperative atmosphere. Rising tensions of…
May 3rd, 2023 Speaker
Riley M. Owen, UG '23 (2986829) Department
Public Policy
February 27th, 2023 Speaker
Allan Hsiao Department
C-PREE Location
Wallace 300
What types of non-dilutive capital are available to finance my research-based startup? How can my startup team sharpen our product design without a costly accelerator program? How can I find…
November 3rd, 2022 Speaker
Kirk Macolini, Matt Merighi, Graciela Narcho, Maggie Yancey, Spencer Reynolds Department
Princeton Innovation
The Clock is in Control: How Light Cycles Regulate the Immune System Mentor: Prof. John Brooks, Molecular Biology
July 25th, 2022 Speaker
Sophia Zelizer Department
Office of Undergraduate Research
Join us for a discussion with Elbridge Colby about his book, The Strategy of Denial: American Defense in an Age of Great Power Conflict. Colby was the lead architect of the 2018 National Defense…
May 4th, 2022 Speaker
Elbridge Colby Department
James Madison Program Location
Bowen 222
SYN-flooding attacks, a pervasive class of DDoS attacks, target the TCP three-way handshake to exhaust server resources, leading to poor performance for legitimate clients. In this work, we present…
April 27th, 2022 Speaker
Sophia Yoo, G2 Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Abbott et al’s (2013) final report on the Languages for All? initiative describes a vision in which every student in the country would have access to language learning opportunities in the U.S.…
April 6th, 2022 Speaker
Fernando Rubio Department
Second Language Teaching and Research Center, University of Utah Location
A conversation with Stavros Lambrinidis, Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, moderated by Andrew Moravcsik, Director of the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination, and…
October 6th, 2021 Speaker
Ambassador Stavros Lambrinidis AFFILIATION Delegation of the European Union to the United States Department
LISD Location
The emergence of pathogens for which all current treatments are ineffective has placed the antibiotic resistance crisis front and center for many communities. To address the trend of ever-increasing…
April 29th, 2020 Speaker
Mike Wan GS Department
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Alan C. Petigny, Associate Professor of History, University of Florida
March 8th, 2010 Speaker
Noam Chomsky Department
The Princeton Committee on Palestine/ English
Former Under Secretary of Defense Michèle Flournoy will discuss the tough choices we need to make in order to maintain the foundations of U.S. power and influence. In order to set the…
April 30th, 2013 Speaker
Michèle Flournoy, Former Under Secretary of Defense Department
Public Lecture Series Location
McCosh 50