Search for tag: "junction"
TigerJunction, Joshua Lau, UG '26 (85D0E676)TigerJunction is a comprehensive course planning application created independently (not part of any course, organization, or department) by Joshua Lau. Other student applications like ReCal and…
From Research Princeton Research Day
57 plays
3D Printing of Complex Materials for Biomedical and General Use, Lauren Ava Rawson, UG '23 (2270891)Cell-cell connections are far stronger than cell-substrate connections. The proteins that cells use to connect to non-cellular material are weaker than the proteins used in cell-cell connections. On…
From Research Princeton Research Day
75 plays
ReMatch intern - Christine NguyenSummer Research Colloquium Research Summary - Analysis of RNA-Seq Data for Genes and Pathways Related to Ion Transport Processes in the Mammary Gland
From our Undergraduate Research
29 plays