Vivian Chen Department
Office of Undergraduate Research
Gram-negative bacteria form two biological membranes; the inner membrane encloses the cytoplasm of the bacteria while the outer membrane surrounds the inner membrane and delineates the cell from the…
April 27th, 2022 Speaker
Michael Lee UG '22 Department
Molecular Biology
It is now possible to utilize large genomics datasets to understand how mutations in our genetic code lead to disease, and in turn, create fine-tuned therapies. We leverage predictions from a deep…
Briana Macedo Department
Computer Science
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. This session, focusing on New Frontiers in Biomedical Data Science, was part of a…
November 5th, 2020 Speaker
Ben Raphael, Curtis Callan and Barbara Engelhardt (Princeton); Lance Ladic and Ben Lou (Siemens Healthineers) Department
Princeton Innovation Location
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. This session, focusing on Biomarkers and Immunotherapy, was part of a full-day workshop…
November 5th, 2020 Speaker
Curtis Callan (Princeton), Razvan Cristescu (Merck), Benjamin Greenbaum (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) Department
Princeton Innovation Location
This session was part of Engage 2020, Princeton University's innovation and entrepreneurship conference. This session, focusing on Drug Design and Target Identification, was part of a full-day…
November 5th, 2020 Speaker
Mona Singh (Princeton), Hisham Hamadeh and Brandon Higgs (Genmab Inc.), Matt Truppo (Janssen BioTherapeutics) Department
Princeton Innovation Location