Search for tag: "renaissance"
The Renaissance of the 12th Century: An IntroductionThis video briefly introduces the causes, developments, prominent figures, and historiography of the 12th-century renaissance. In particular, the video highlights the contributions of Adelard of…
From Laura Morreale
263 plays
The Beloved as Speaker: Amedea degli Aleardi’s “Deh, non esser Iason”, Madeline (Grace) Matthews, UG '22 (2312857)My presentation discusses my work researching the impact and poetry of an obscure Renaissance poetess, Amedea degli Aleardi, who worked and lived in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The sole…
From Research Princeton Research Day
67 plays
CREMS: Creatures of the Imagination: Visualizing Monsters in the Early Modern Sciences-TrimA workshop featuring talks by:Surekha Davies: “Life on the Edge: Imaginative Prototyping and Sea Monsters in Early Modern Europe” For early modern European naturalists, the…
From Barbara Leavey
54 plays
The Art of Glassmaking_SvenDupre_Nov18_2020The Art of Glassmaking and the Nature of Stones Sven Dupré, Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam This talk will focus on the article: The Art of Glassmaking and the Nature…
From Barbara Leavey
43 plays