Search for tag: "rice"

Bradford Seminar: "Money (Not) To Burn: Payments For Ecosystem Services To Reduce Crop Residue Burning"

Jayachandran will discuss her work in India’s Punjab state suggesting that providing partial-upfront payments to farmers reduced the burning of crop residue — a significant contributor to…

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 3 plays

J. Balaban Lecture Recording_11-8-21

Translating Vietnamese

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From  Yolanda Sullivan 0 likes 4 plays

CITP Seminar: Juan Gilbert – Can Voters Detect Ballot Manipulations with a Transparent Voting Machine?

Touch-screen ballot-marking devices (BMDs) produce paper ballots that are counted by optical-scan voting machines and can be recounted by hand. If the BMD is hacked or misprogrammed so that it prints…

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From  CI Center for Information Technology Policy 0 likes 60 plays

EHL Seminar 5: Failing Strategies 2

EHL Seminar 5: Failing Strategies 2 Tuesday, November3 Speakers: John Haldon (History, Princeton) Emmanuel Kreike (History Dept., Princeton) Tsunamis, El Nino, and War on Aceh,…

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From  Sarah Porter 0 likes 16 plays

EHL Seminar 3: Managing Risks: Some Farmers’ Perspectives (part 2)

EHL Seminar 3: Managing Risks: Some Farmers’ Perspectives (part 2) Tuesday, October 20 Speakers: John Haldon (History, Princeton) Benjamin Trump (US Army Corps of Engineering R & D…

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From  Sarah Porter 0 likes 1 plays

Metaphor – Promise and Peril: Complexity and Systems Thinking in Action : Day 1, Video 4: Complexity and Social Systems and Organizations

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 21 plays

Foreign Policy and the Challenge of Totalitarianism

Panel session, “The Totalitarian Epoch:The Fate of Law and Liberty in the 20th Century and Beyond” conference

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 58 plays

12-15-13 a.m. -1 - PWA90 -Strong correlation, Superconductivity

T. Maurice Rice, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Gabi Kotliar, Rutgers University

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 62 plays