EHL Seminar 3: Managing Risks: Some Farmers’ Perspectives (part 2)
From Sarah Porter February 17th, 2021
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Tuesday, October 20
John Haldon (History, Princeton)
Benjamin Trump (US Army Corps of Engineering R & D Center)
Using History to Understand Current Challenges with Resilience and Systemic Risk
Edda Fields-Black (Dept of History, Carnegie Mellon University),
Travis Folk (Folk Land management, Inc.) and Daniel Hanks (Clemson
University, Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation)
Rice: modeling human and natural systems of historic rice fields in the
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Seminar series:
Past answers to current
concerns: Approaches to understanding historical societal resilience
The Climate Change and History Research Initiative
Environmental History Lab
of the Program in Medieval Studies
did environmental and climatic changes, whether sudden high impact events or
more subtle gradual changes, impact human responses in the past? How did
societal perceptions of such changes affect behavioral patterns and explanatory
rationalities in premodernity? And can a better historical understanding of
these relationships inform our response to contemporary problems of similar
nature and magnitude, such as adapting to climate change? Our initiative The Climate Change and History Research Initiative
(CCHRI) has been working on these issues for four years now, and – as our
publications show - we have made considerable progress in developing strategies
to enable palaeoscientists, archaeologists and historians to talk to one
another and resolve issues of scale. One of our main foci has been to think
about the ways in which socio- environmental asymmetries with different degrees
of socio-political complexity and population density precondition the
potentials for inherent resilience under environmental stress. By analyzing
historical societies as complex adaptive systems, we also contribute to
contemporary thinking about societal-environmental interactions in policy and
- Tags
- Date
- October 20th, 2020
- Speaker
- Panel
- Department
- Medieval Studies; Climate Change and History Research Initiative
- Location
- Princeton University
- Appears In