Search for tag: "russian"

Digital Resources Bridging the Gap Between Linguistic Theory and Pedagogical Practice

We present three digital resources for language pedagogy built on empirical research, all of which are freely and publicly available. The goal is to make the results of current research accessible to…

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From  PC Princeton Center for Language Study 0 likes 12 plays

Code of the World: A Digital Storytelling Project in the Heritage Language Classroom

Many Russophone heritage students cite 'identity' as the principal reason for studying the language; they come to class to explore and assess the deep-rooted cultural, emotional, and…

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From  PC Princeton Center for Language Study 0 likes 10 plays

The Russian Invasion- A Roundtable Discussion with Visiting Scholars from Ukraine

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 42 plays

Visualizing Russian: Teaching Vocabulary at the Intersection of Frequency, Grammar, and Communication

Visualizing Russian is a suite of tools benefiting language learners, teachers, and researchers and enabling each user-group to access the complex system of the Russian language through visualization…

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From  PC Princeton Center for Language Study 0 likes 26 plays

Britain and the British Question: Iranian Nationalists and the Idea of Britain

Professor Ali Ansari (University of St. Andrews) discusses the impact of Iranian-British relations and British political ideology on Iranian nationalists and their concept of ‘nation’ in…

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 303 plays


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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 8 plays