This short introduction to Zoroastrian manuscripts will briefly touch on the origins of the Zoroastrian religion, as well as key texts and languages associated with it.
Jamie O’Connell Department
Near Eastern Studies
HERE STANDS A MAN: MORRISON'S (FEMINIST?) MOLDING OF BLACK MASCULINITY Held over three days March 28 – March 30th, the Toni Morrison Lectures are held bi-annually and spotlight the new…
March 29th, 2023 Speaker
Farah Jasmine Griffin Department
African American Studies Location
McCosh Hall, Room 10
Eileen Hohmuth-Lemonick, an art teacher, came to Princeton in 1969 and lived in the Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood. Before her son was old enough to enroll at UNOW, she kept him in a cardboard box…
May 20th, 2019 Speaker
Eileen Hohmuth Lemonick and Carolyn Jones Location
Princeton, NJ