Search for tag: "theories"
CITP Conference - Tech Policy: The Next Ten Years - Panel 2 - Theories of Change_(10.25.2024)This conference is for everyone who is interested in ensuring that technology has a positive impact on society. Learn about how you can make an impact on the development and governance of technology,…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
1 plays
CITP Seminar: Lav Varshney - Engineering Theory for Emerging Tech PolicymakingMathematical engineering theories are useful in numerous ways, whether in providing fundamental relationships between the capabilities of emerging technologies and the resources…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
20 plays
Cosmic Inflation: Simulating the Formation of the Early Universe, David Shlivko, GS (D954902B)The universe today is fascinatingly complex. Hundreds of billions of galaxies are each home to hundreds of billions of stars, planets, and other astronomical objects. But 14 billion years ago, the…
From Research Princeton Research Day
71 plays
The Hottest Worlds in the Universe, Samuel Yee, G4 (3958227)The first planets to be discovered orbiting stars other than our Sun -- exoplanets -- were a type of planet we hadn't expected, based on our expectations from our own solar system. We call these…
From Research Princeton Research Day
11 plays
A smooth R^3 index for N=2 theories in four dimensionsTalk by Andrew Neitzke at Strings 2014 on June 27, 2014 in Richardson Auditorium
From Omelan Stryzak
28 plays