Search for tag: "violence"
P*Law Election Hazards PanelAmerican elections have faced stark challenges in recent cycles, from shifting rules governing voting and election administration to threats of foreign interference, disinformation, political…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
6 plays
Speech That May Cause Illegal Conduct with Eugene VolokhOn April 30, 2024, the James Madison Program hosted Eugene Volokh, Thomas M. Siebel Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, for a lecture titled, "Speech That May Cause…
From James Madison Program James Madison Program
50 plays
Documenting Violence: Surveying Haitian Perspectives and Experiences Amidst Governance Turmoil and Escalating Gang Violence, Gil Sander Joseph, UG '25 (716B9055)Haiti is going through a particularly tumultuous period in its recent history marked by a complex governance crisis and the expansion of geographic and political control of gangs over Haitian…
From Research Princeton Research Day
71 plays
Far-Right Actor Collaboration: Understanding an Emerging Threat, Caroline Schuckel, UG '25 (9CF5D14F)This project utilizes quantitative methods to code for instances of far-right group collaboration. This phenomenon began in 2022 and has potentially negative consequences for domestic secutiry if…
From Research Princeton Research Day
32 plays
Take Me Home, Ozark Roads: A Retrospective on Rural Missouri-Arkansas Festival Culture, Autumn Shelton , UG '24 (B9E13D69)A region encompassing more than 45,000 square miles in Northwest Arkansas and Southwest Missouri, the Ozarks is a region marked by geography, history, and popular imagination. From the frontier…
From Research Princeton Research Day
43 plays
Liberalism and the Christian Origins of Tolerance with Jed AtkinsOn November 13, 2023, the James Madison Program hosted a lecture at Princeton University with Jed Atkins, titled, "Liberalism and the Christian Origins of Tolerance." Tolerance is usually…
From James Madison Program James Madison Program
113 plays
Ayah NuriddinAyah Nuriddin has a Ph.D. in the History of Medicine from Johns Hopkins University. She also holds an M.A. in History and an MLS from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a B.A. in…
From aas21 African American Studies
133 plays
Violence, Ethics, and Social Media, Jeffery Chen, UG '25 (2765310)For many of us, social media is an integral part of our everyday lives. But the ramifications of social media can go beyond just an unfunny post or angry response; on more than one occasion, social…
From Research Princeton Research Day
74 plays
CITP Seminar: Brooke Foucault Welles - #HashtagActivism: Networks of Race and Gender JusticeThe proliferation of social media has given rise to widespread study and speculation about the impact of digital technologies on politics, activism, and social change. Key among these debates is…
From CI Center for Information Technology Policy
7 plays
Mellon Forum on the Urban Environment/Race Empire Environment "Of Milk, Blood, and Bones: Brazil's Colonial and Postcolonial Plantation "Big House"Gilberto Freyre's influential book Casa Grande e Senzala [The Masters and the Slaves] (1933) has been an international reference in Brazil's historical racial relations. In this equally…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
15 plays