Search for tag: "algae"

EEB 522 Seminar Series - Mary Power

EEB 522 Seminar Series Colloquium on the Biology of Populations Presented by Mary Power "River food webs from microbiomes to watersheds: crosing scales with a diatom and its endosymbiote"

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From  EEB Media 0 likes 5 plays

OURSIP Intern - Kevin Zhang

Nuclease Project in C. Reinhardtii Mentors: Dr. Martin Jonikas, Molecular Biology Micah Burton, Molecular Biology

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From  our Undergraduate Research 0 likes 29 plays

How Nature’s Tiniest Soda Could Help Feed the World: The Story of the Algal Pyrenoid, Eric Franklin, G4 (3965535)

Plants are responsible for almost everything around us. Not just as crops for us or livestock to eat, but also for the wood that makes up our houses and furniture, the cotton that we wear as clothes,…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 6 likes 312 plays