Search for tag: "representations"
Allen-Blanchette, Christine -"Learning the Rules of Self-Organization with Behavior-Inspired Neural Networks"AI for Accelerating Invention, a new Princeton AI Lab initiative, integrates artificial intelligence into engineering research, developing new technologies and tools to accelerate the process of…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
11 plays
ReMatch+ Intern - Katherine AwadThe Effect of Increased Load on Task Classification Accuracy in Flexible Model of Working Memory Advised by:Prof. Timothy Buschman, Princeton Neuroscience Institute & Psychology Dr. Adel…
From our Undergraduate Research
10 plays
Generating Stylized Comic Art With Stable Diffusion, Audrey Zhang, UG '25 (7A3C3CD0)Stable Diffusion (SD) and other AI diffusion models can generate images in seconds. These models, however, are trained on millions of images, and sometimes not all are taken with consent. This is…
From Research Princeton Research Day
146 plays
Leftover or Too Far Ahead?: An Artistic Response to the Visual Portrayal of Leftover Women in China, Boya Shi, UG '26 (0C82C51C)In China, the term shèng nǚ, or “leftover women,” characterizes an unmarried woman beyond her twenties, comparing her to leftovers. While reading an excerpt of Leta Hong…
From Research Princeton Research Day
45 plays
OURSIP Intern - Caitlin WangModeling Predictive Process in the Brain with Variational Autoencoders (VAE) Advised by: Prof. Tim Buschman, Princeton Neuroscience InstituteSeth Akers-Campbell, Princeton Neuroscience Institute…
From our Undergraduate Research
40 plays
How are similar objects represented in the brain?, Elita Lee (4413825)We come across pieces of highly similar information in our daily lives. The hippocampus is known to form nonoverlapping representations of these similar memories to prevent interference. In our…
From Research Princeton Research Day
41 plays
Uncovering Coverage: March Madness In The Daily Princetonian, Rosie Eden, UG '25 and Isabel Yip, UG '25 (2768621)This project sought to analyze how the Daily Princetonian has portrayed March Madness in its pages from 1952 to 2011. Coverage of the tournament shows distinct trends in word choice and frequencies…
From Research Princeton Research Day
56 plays