Search for tag: "portrayals"

Hypersexualizing Race: The Evolution, Perception, and Agency of Black Women in America, Mya Koffie, UG '27 (B78F387E)

My research focuses on how and why societal perception of Black women in America has evolved in response to the personal agency that Black women have exercised against existing social structures.…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 58 plays

Leftover or Too Far Ahead?: An Artistic Response to the Visual Portrayal of Leftover Women in China, Boya Shi, UG '26 (0C82C51C)

In China, the term shèng nǚ, or “leftover women,” characterizes an unmarried woman beyond her twenties, comparing her to leftovers. While reading an excerpt of Leta Hong…

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From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 45 plays