Search for tag: "fixing"
OURSIP intern - Kawin TiyawattanarojOffice of Undergraduate Research Research Summary - Approximately Strategyproof Tournament Rules
From our Undergraduate Research
18 plays
Fixing Bugs in Democracy: Dave Daley & Sam Wang, A Second ConversationDavid Daley explored how we can fight for change in his new book, "Unrigged: How Americans are Battling Back to Save Democracy." In this followup video to an earlier conversation, Professor…
From Jason Rhode
39 plays
Fixing Bugs in Democracy: The Electoral College - Jesse Wegman with Julian Selizer and Sam WangJesse Wegman is a journalist, author, and New York Times Editorial Board Member. In his new book, Wegman asks a simple question: how can we tolerate the Electoral College when every vote does not…
From Jason Rhode
19 plays