03:10duration 3 minutes 10 seconds
OURSIP Intern - Mila Bileska
Spectroscopy Of Ytterbium Rydberg States and Interactions Advised by: Prof. Jeff Thompson, Electrical and Computer Engineering
02:58duration 2 minutes 58 seconds
3D Object Reconstruction of Unseen and Unlabeled…
3D Object Reconstruction of Unseen and Unlabeled Point Clouds, Gene Chou, UG '22 (3963734)
Learning 3D representations of objects is a task at the heart of computer vision, robotic manipulation, scene understanding, medicine, and content generation. Implicit neural representations which…
01:11:41duration 1 hour 11 minutes
QCB Seminar with Ellen Rothenberg - October 25th,…
QCB Seminar with Ellen Rothenberg - October 25th, 2021
27:29duration 27 minutes 29 seconds