Search for tag: "program in latin american studies"

PLAS Concert "Ode to the Fallen Trees"

A concert by Puerto Rican composer and classical…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 10 plays

Portátil III: Rethinking the State Criminal Organizations and Militarized Violence in Venezuela

Portátil III: Rethinking the State…

From  PL Latin American Studies 0 likes 14 plays

Mexico's 2018 Elections: To What Extent Have The Decisions of the High Chamber of the TEPJF Enchanced Electoral Integrity in the 2017-2018 Elections in Mexico?

Reyes Rodriguez, Justice of the Electoral…

+25 More
From  PL Latin American Studies 0 likes 8 plays

Mexico's 2018 Elections: Welcome

Welcome - Gabriela Nouzeilles, Director, Program…

From  PL Latin American Studies 0 likes 9 plays