Search for tag: "container"
Celebrate Princeton Innovation 2022 - Rodney Priestley and Xiaohui Xu: Solar-driven system for water purificationA temperature-sensitive gel harnesses the sun to provide fast and inexpensive clean drinking water.
From Innovation Innovation Communication
86 plays
OURSIP Intern - Kaya UnalmisOptimizing stellarators for better equilibria through the addition of physics objectives to DESC Mentors: Dr. Egemen Kolemen, MAE Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Dario Panici, MAE
From our Undergraduate Research
49 plays
Ocean energy capture through ferrofluid sloshing, Seth Freeman and Polina Zhilkina, UG '22, (3965210)Ocean surface waves carry vast amounts of energy that could be harnessed as a renewable source of electricity generation. However, current ocean energy capture devices fail to be economically viable…
From Research Princeton Research Day
51 plays
Mexico's 2018 Elections: To What Extent Have The Decisions of the High Chamber of the TEPJF Enchanced Electoral Integrity in the 2017-2018 Elections in Mexico?Reyes Rodriguez, Justice of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF)
From PL Latin American Studies
8 plays
Logistical Monstrosities: Megaships, Megaports, and Infrastructures of Violence along the transPacific Supply Chain - Charmaine ChuaLogistical Monstrosities: Megaships, Megaports, and Infrastructures of Violence along the transPacific Supply Chain Speaker: Charmaine Chua, introduced by Laurel Mei-Singh Princeton…
From Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff
390 plays