May 5th, 2023 Speaker
Kathy Edin, Camille Charles, Mike Hout, Edward Telles Department
Sociology Location
Carl A Fields Center
What is health? This ostensibly simple question often provokes pause in most people who attempt an answer. Although there are definitions to this question, in reality people gauge their health…
April 27th, 2022 Speaker
Sydney Taylor Department
Anthropology, Global Health and Health Policy
I interviewed thirteen families of children who had previously been hospitalized in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, all of whom were Christian, as well as several physicians, nurses, and chaplains…
Sofia Pauca, UG '21 Department
Structural violence harms individuals’ health; however, this connection is not broadly recognized in society because the relationships which constitute structural violence are invisible. This…
Lauren McGrath, UG '21 Department