Search for tag: "homes"

Humanistic Design Speaker Series: "Beyond the Cyborg Imaginary: Neuroprosthetic Limbs and Embodied Science-in-the-Making"_Alexandra_Middleton_Lecture_1

From  kellerconference Keller Center Videoconference 0 likes 10 plays

10.47 Blessings of Family (Sohaib Sultan)

Blessings of Family (Sohaib Sultan)

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From  ORL Office of Religious Life 0 likes 15 plays

HMEI: High Water Line: New Jersey -Solutions

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 18 plays

Assisted Living in the United States: An Open Dataset, Anton Stengel, UG '23 (3954508)

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 0 likes 66 plays

Make clean heating affordable by improving building energy efficiency in rural northern China, Shangwei Liu, G4 (3957574)

Ambient and indoor air pollution in China…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 2 likes 20 plays

Bradford Seminar: " (In) Justice in Managed Retreat as Climate Adaptation"

A.R. Siders, assistant professor in the Disaster…

From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 4 plays

Evaluating the Impact of Climate Disasters on Property Value: A Study on Hurricane Sandy, Grace Hong, UG '21, (2312439)

I study the impact of Hurricane Sandy on New…

+20 More
From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 106 plays

Smart(er) Homes and Cities: The Future of Technology in Architecture, Alumni-Faculty Forum, Reunions 2020

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From  Alumni Web 0 likes 4 plays

The Belknap Visitors in the Humanities: Janet Malcolm

The Council of the Humanities is pleased to…

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From  Broadcast Broadcast Center Staff 0 likes 452 plays