Search for tag: "discussions"

QuaLLM: An LLM-based Framework to Extract Quantitative Insights from Online Forums, Varun Rao, GS (2A506948)

Online discussion forums provide crucial data to understand the concerns of a wide range of real-world communities. However, the typical qualitative and quantitative methods used to analyze those…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 1 likes 30 plays

Code of the World: A Digital Storytelling Project in the Heritage Language Classroom

Many Russophone heritage students cite 'identity' as the principal reason for studying the language; they come to class to explore and assess the deep-rooted cultural, emotional, and…

From  PC Princeton Center for Language Study 0 likes 7 plays

Engage 2021 - The Future of AI/ML in Bioengineering

This discussion, led by industry executive Jeff Wilke of Re:Build Manufacturing, examined the impact artificial intelligence and machine learning are likely to have on bioengineering in the future.…

From  Innovation Innovation Communication 0 likes 20 plays

The Beloved as Speaker: Amedea degli Aleardi’s “Deh, non esser Iason”, Madeline (Grace) Matthews, UG '22 (2312857)

My presentation discusses my work researching the impact and poetry of an obscure Renaissance poetess, Amedea degli Aleardi, who worked and lived in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The sole…

From  Research Princeton Research Day 3 likes 63 plays

NON-PROFIT: Natalie Tung '18 - Co-founder & Executive Director of HomeWorks Trenton - Why English Matters

Seven recent alumni, who are in the fields of law, medicine, publishing, journalism, film, theater administration, and non-profit education, returned to campus to talk about their professional…

From  english English Department 0 likes 25 plays